Parent God’s Way | Mother’s Day | Tara Boddie

admin May 13, 2024 In her sermon titled “Parent God’s Way,” Christian counselor Tara Boddie shed light on the challenges and responsibilities of parenting with a focus on trusting God’s guidance. Drawing from Scripture, including verses such as 1 John 4:16, Proverbs 22:6, and Proverbs 3:5-6, Tara addressed the reality of navigating parenthood while dealing with personal traumas and life’s uncertainties. She emphasized the importance of recognizing that our lives belong to God and that we are called to manage them according to His will. Read More … Tara highlighted the unpredictability of life and the necessity of making managerial decisions throughout our journey, including in our role as parents. She emphasized that just as we don’t get to choose the circumstances of our lives, we also don’t get to choose the nature of our children. Instead, God entrusts us with the responsibility of raising them according to His instruction. Acknowledging the challenges of parenting, Tara reminded the congregation that children are a ministry and that raising them can sometimes be a thankless job. She emphasized the importance of expressing unconditional love to our children, mirroring God’s love for us. Additionally, Tara stressed the significance of providing guidance and discipline, highlighting the need for intentional training over resorting to harsh punishment. Furthermore, Tara encouraged parents to empower their children and trust them to make their own choices, just as God empowers us with gifts, talents, and free will. She emphasized the importance of granting children mercy and grace, recognizing that they will eventually grow beyond our control. In essence, Tara’s sermon provided a roadmap for parenting rooted in unconditional love, guidance, empowerment, and trust, reflecting God’s own relationship with us as His children. Bible Verses 1 John 4:1616 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. Proverbs 22:66 Start children off on the way they should go,and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 3:5-65 Trust in the Lord with all your heartand lean not on your own understanding;6 in all your ways submit to him,and he will make your paths straight. Give Now YouTube Follow Us Share Related Messages